ID your pallet truck & let us help source your parts

When your pallet truck fails …. to repair or replace is a common dilemma for business owners

Trying to source the correct parts isn’t easy and with so many different types and styles of manual pallet trucks, you may be thinking it’s a hassle when you can just buy a new one.

We have a secret to tell you …. based on a photo of your pallet truck, we can quickly and accurately determine the make/model of your pallet truck 99% of the time. It is really that easy.

Why spend £200+ on a new pallet truck (and have to figure out what to do with the “dead” one you are replacing) when the remedy can be much less expensive, and we do most of the heavy lifting (pun completely intended)

Here’s how the process works:

  1. Email a side-view photo of the pallet truck to
  2. Let us know the parts you require.
  3. Our team will identify your pallet truck based on photo submission.
  4. We call you with a quote (or send written quote via email)
  5. You order replacement parts online or call us.

What is a “side-view photo” you ask? Here is an example. It’s the most helpful view for us to see the pump body and some of the features that may determine a specific factory variation.

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