How to fill the oil on a pallet truck

  • Post category:Hints & Tips

The team at often get asked by our customers on what is the best way to replace / fill the hydraulic oil on their pallet/ pump truck. So, here is a basic guide how to do this:

1: Park the pallet truck on a hard, level surface. Move the pallet truck’s control “trigger” lever on the handle to the “Lower” position to completely lower the pallet jack’s fork.

2: Remove the hydraulic oil reservoir plug and washer by unscrewing the plug, using the flathead screwdriver/ spanner. Refer to the owner’s manual of the pallet jack for the location of the hydraulic oil reservoir plug (or call us if you are unsure).

3: Add the hydraulic oil to the hydraulic oil reservoir’s fill hole, using the funnel. We recommend an ISO 32 or ISO 46 grade hydraulic oil, available from most agricultural, plant or material handling equipment suppliers. Remove the funnel to check the oil level in the hydraulic oil reservoir. The oil level should be up to the bottom of the hydraulic oil reservoir’s fill hole.

4: Pump the pallet truck’s handle 10 to 15 times to bleed the hydraulic unit of the pallet truck. Bleeding is done to remove any trapped air in the pallet jack’s hydraulic system.

5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the oil level in the hydraulic oil reservoir is stable at the bottom of the hydraulic oil reservoir’s fill hole.

6: Return the hydraulic oil reservoir plug and washer to the hydraulic oil reservoir’s fill hole. Screw it on tightly, using the flathead screwdriver/ spanner. Wipe any excess hydraulic oil on the hydraulic oil reservoir with the rag.

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